
Everyone's career journey is different. Whether you're a student, an expert, or a team leader, you can start aligning your strengths with your goals today.

1-on-1 Coaching

Whether you've been working for many years or just starting your career journey, it's always the right time to gain clarity and take action toward fulfillment.


"How do I get started?"

Overwhelmed by your goals? Break them down into actionable steps and take control over your future.


"Is this what I'm meant to be doing?"

Achievement fatigue can set in when you are putting 100% into efforts that aren't bringing you fulfillment. Align your goals with your focus.


"How do I go bigger?"

Challenge yourself around the journey from expert to influencer.

Take the first step by reaching out for an introductory conversation.

Book an introductory chat

“Sara helped me to uncover tools and knowledge that I possess and did not know how to apply/deploy.  And, she helped me access the courage and belief to bring those forward to remove the obstacles to my success.”

Organizational Consulting

We have a natural passion for living, which can be altered by a perception that we have to struggle to enjoy what we do professionally. 
Do we really need to struggle at work?

  • What if you could decrease the amount of time and money spent on recruitment and retention while increasing engagement and the quality of talent?
  • What would happen if reviews focused on a person’s strengths and potential rather than solving for their weakness?
  • What would engagement, retention and culture look like?
  • How would it be more fun and rewarding for both the employer and employees if you knew what motivated people and were dialed into their core strengths, rather than evaluating them solely for their accomplishments?
  • How might the organization’s culture deepen as a result of alignment?

Take the first step by reaching out for an introductory conversation.

Book an introductory chat

“Sara works with individuals and organizations to reveal what they cannot see - resulting in the discovery of tools, knowledge and potential they did not know they possessed.  She recontextualizes obstacles as opportunities, emboldening her clients to look and listen more closely, permitting them to be open and ready for new opportunities.”